3 Facts About Driving Under the Influence
3 Facts About Driving Under The Influence | Nava Law Firm Driving under the influence is already one of the top killers of Americans under the age of 21. According to the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility, alcohol-impaired driving fatalities accounted for about 28 percent of the total number of vehicle traffic deaths in 2016.
Here’s are three facts you need to know about drunk drivers and driving under the influence.
It Takes Six Hours
When you drink alcohol, it takes about six hours for it to be flushed out of your system. If you plan on drinking, make sure you give yourself enough time before you get behind the wheel and drive. For your safety, you’re safer just sleeping it off instead of getting into your car to drive home.
It Happens at Night
About 75 percent of fatal car crashes and collisions happen between midnight and 3 am regarding incidents involving alcohol. These numbers also spike when the clock hits 7 pm and 3 pm, corresponding to the end of the happy hour as well as during lunchtime.
It Can Happen to You
Statistics show that on average, two out of three people will find themselves involved in a drunk driving crash in the course of their lives. If the accident is your fault, one of the first things you’ll need is legal help. With a DUI defense lawyer, you have someone to provide you with guidance through every stage of the case, so you’ll know what to do and what you can expect.
You’ll Need Help
If you’ve been charged with a DUI, don’t waste time. Look for a legal advisor right away. With the help of a lawyer, you’ll have a better chance of getting the outcome you want. If the accident was your fault, your lawyer would work hard to reduce your penalty charges. If the accident resulted in injuries in the other party, a good lawyer could help reduce your sentence.
Heed these facts if you find yourself facing DUI charges. For help and assistance, contact Nava Law Firm and talk to a drunk driving attorney today.