
Arizona Criminal Defense Attorney

2023 World Series Celebration Safety

The long wait is finally over for Arizona Diamondbacks fans as the upcoming 2023 World Series is being called the most improbable World Series ever. The Diamondbacks, who recovered from a dismal 52-110 record two years ago, face the Texas Rangers, who clinched a postseason spot at 90-72. While Arizona has one title from their 2001 appearance, the Rangers have never secured a championship in their 63-year history. Records aside, both teams demonstrate resilience and quality, hinting at an exciting series ahead.

With the first pitch just around the corner, the anticipation and excitement can be felt throughout both states and across the nation.

Here's a brief rundown of the series schedule:

  • Game 1: Friday, Oct. 27, 8:03 p.m. ET, at Arlington, Texas
  • Game 2: Saturday, Oct. 28, 8:03 p.m. ET, at Arlington, Texas
  • Game 3: Monday, Oct. 30, 8:03 p.m. ET, at Phoenix
  • Game 4: Tuesday, Oct. 31, 8:03 p.m. ET, at Phoenix
  • Game 5 (if needed): Wednesday, Nov. 1, 8:03 p.m. ET, at Phoenix
  • Game 6 (if needed): Friday, Nov. 3, 8:03 p.m. ET, at Arlington, Texas
  • Game 7 (if needed): Saturday, Nov. 4, 8:03 p.m. ET, at Arlington, Texas.

The Nava Law Firm is Here To Help

The anticipation surrounding major sporting events like the upcoming World Series often creates an electrifying atmosphere of celebration and companionship. Fans come together, united by their passion, to celebrate the moments that make sports so captivating. During moments of excitement, it's important to prioritize safety. Ensuring that festivities do not endanger anyone is crucial to making these moments genuinely memorable.

At the Nava Law Firm, we understand the passion and celebration such events bring. We wholeheartedly support the enthusiasm and spirit of the fans. However, we also stress the importance of a balanced and mindful approach to celebrations. By combining the fun of the occasion with a touch of caution, fans can ensure that their celebrations remain joyful, safe, and free from regrettable incidents.

If you face criminal charges in Phoenix, AZ, seeking experienced legal counsel is crucial. The Nava Law Firm is determined to build a solid defense curated to your specific needs for a favorable outcome for your case. Call us today to schedule a free consultation to learn how we can help and defend your rights.

Tips to Avoid Altercations and Legal Trouble in Arizona

Sporting events, especially those of the magnitude of the World Series, produce a range of emotions in fans. Combining excitement, anticipation, and team loyalty can sometimes result in spirited discussions and debates among supporters. While this passion makes sports such a beloved pastime, ensuring that it doesn't boil over into confrontations can save you from future headaches.

Here are some ways to enjoy the games while maintaining your cool:

  1. Keep Your Composure: Sports discussions, especially during significant events, can be charged with emotion. Fans wear their hearts on their sleeves, and discussions can become passionate quickly. It's essential to remember that just as you have your views and loyalties, so does the person you're conversing with. If you sense that a conversation is veering into heated territory, take a moment to remind yourself that it's just a game, and if necessary, exit the conversation.

  1. Limit Alcohol: Alcohol has the potential to lower impair judgment and amplify emotions. What might start as a casual chat could escalate if alcohol-induced bravado gets in the way. Being aware of your alcohol intake and setting limits can prevent overindulgence. Opt for water or electrolyte beverages intermittently. Remember, declining another drink can help avoid next-day hangovers.

  1. Choose Your Social Circle: The people you watch the game with can significantly influence your experience. Friends who are aggressive or confrontational can amplify tensions. Surround yourself with people who can enjoy the game with good spirits, regardless of the outcome. If you're with someone known to moderate and calm situations, they can help ensure discussions remain friendly and light-hearted.

  1. Respect the Venue: The environment plays a significant role in shaping behavior. A rowdy bar might be more conducive to confrontations than a family-friendly sports lounge. Please recognize that you're sharing the space with many others, each with their own set of emotions about the game. Being considerate—whether by regulating your highs and lows, not blocking views, or simply acknowledging others' right to enjoy the game in their own way—can facilitate a positive atmosphere for everyone.

Legal Consequences of Physical Altercations in Arizona

Physical altercations, often resulting from heated disagreements, can lead to severe legal penalties in Arizona. The consequences of engaging in such behavior, even in the context of a high-energy sporting event, should not be taken lightly. 

Here's an in-depth look into the legal implications someone might face following a physical confrontation:

  • Assault Charges: In Arizona, assault isn't limited to just physical harm. Making threats or causing someone to fear bodily harm can also qualify. Based on the specifics of the incident, assault charges can be classified into different degrees, from simple misdemeanors to more severe felony charges. The severity of the assault — from causing minor injuries, using a weapon, or assaulting a protected professional like a police officer — dictates the level of charges, with each carrying its own set of penalties.

  • Legal Penalties: Once convicted of assault, the penalties go beyond the immediate incident. The legal system can set various penalties based on the severity of the crime. These can range from paying substantial fines to fulfilling community service hours. In more severe cases, offenders might be required to attend anger management classes or serve jail time. The intention is not just to penalize but also to rehabilitate and prevent future incidents.

  • Civil Lawsuits: While criminal charges deal with breaking the law, civil lawsuits address the harm done to individuals. A person can be acquitted of criminal charges and still face a civil lawsuit. Victims of assault can sue for damages, including medical bills, lost wages, and compensation for pain and suffering. The financial implications of a successful civil lawsuit can be crippling for the offender.

  • Permanent Record: A conviction, especially for a violent crime like assault, leaves a lasting mark on one's record. This record can significantly impact various aspects of life. Employers often run background checks, and a violent crime conviction can lead to lost job opportunities. Similarly, housing applications can become more challenging, as landlords might be wary of renting to someone with an assault history.

Contact The Nava Law Firm For Criminal Defense in Phoenix

While the World Series and other significant sporting events celebrate athleticism and team spirit, they're also an opportunity to demonstrate sportsmanship off the field. By staying level-headed, fans can ensure they contribute positively to the collective experience. The heat of the moment can lead individuals to act out of character; the aftermath of a physical altercation can have lasting and profound impacts on one's life. Thinking twice before engaging in any behavior that could lead to these severe consequences is essential.

Given the ever-evolving landscape of criminal law, it's crucial for those accused to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney promptly. The Nava Law Firm delves deep into the details of each case, employing strategies to challenge evidence or legal procedures. Our knowledge not only offers the possibility of reduced penalties or dismissed charges but also provides invaluable emotional and psychological support during a daunting legal process. 

Our firm primarily serves the areas of Phoenix, Scottsdale, Chandler, Glendale and other areas around Arizona. If you are in need of an experienced Criminal Defense attorney in Maricopa County, please contact us today to schedule your free case evaluation.

Armando Nava's Criminal Defense expertise has been featured in the following publications:
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5 star review
Manuel Vasquez

Armando is best attorney hands down! Awesome ways of communicating with me utilizing multiple forms of communication like his portal/phone/ or text! He also will always try to find the best deals for you possible. Lastly, very resourceful as to who he can verify you with for different services/needs if he’s not able to help you with something!

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5 star review
Joan Espinoza

If I could give Armando Nava more than a 5 star review I would do it in a heart beat. I have known him for a while now and he is someone I genuinely respect and admire. He is there for you no matter how hard or easy your case is, he does not judge you, and he does everything in his power to make the client satisfied.

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5 star review

I am writing this review almost a year after my charge (that I thought was going to do a year in jail) was dismissed. Armando has been very transparent and always available. I still ask him for legal advice even after my case was finished and he always helps. He will be a great ally for you and has been a dear friend for me.

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DUIDUI DrugsAggravated AssaultTheftResist ArrestDomestic ViolenceMurder
Second in time DUI
Case Result:
Charge reduced with no jail

Woman was charged with her second DUI within 7 years after being involved in a collision in Scottsdale. Through our investigation, we found multiple mistakes made by the arresting officer. These errors were used to get the prosecution to reduce the alleged offense to a charge with no jail time.

DUI Drugs (Marijuana)
Case Result:
Case Dismissed

A black man was pulled over by Salt River Police Department while visiting from out of town. Despite showing no signs of impairment, the officers arrested him and charged him with DUI Drugs. We investigated the case heavily and interviewed every officer involved. Ultimately, a motion to suppress was filed and granted after an evidentiary hearing before a Judge.

Aggravated Assault w/ a Deadly Weapon
Case Result:
Reduced to a misdemeanor

A man was charged with attacking a family with a knife. After reviewing the evidence, it was determined that the instrument used was not a knife at all. The Grand Jury had been misled, so we filed a motion challenging the grand jury presentation. The prosecutor, confronted with the truth, agreed to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor with no jail time.

Second in time DUI
Case Result:
Charge reduced with no jail

Woman was charged with her second DUI within 7 years after being involved in a collision in Scottsdale. Through our investigation, we found multiple mistakes made by the arresting officer. These errors were used      to get the prosecution to reduce the alleged offense to a charge with no jail time.

Theft of Means of Transportation
Case Result:
Not Guilty after jury trial

A man was out on a walk and was stopped by police because he was in the area of an attempted vehicle theft. The man maintained his innocence, but the owner of the truck identified him as the man he saw attempt to steal it. We worked tirelessly to prepare a defense and get the prosecution to see reason. The State wouldn’t budge, so the case went to trial. After a 4 day trial, the jury took approximately 10 minutes to return a Not Guilty verdict.

Second in time DUI
Case Result:
Charge reduced with no jail

Woman was charged with her second DUI within 7 years after being involved in a collision in Scottsdale. Through our investigation, we found multiple mistakes made by the arresting officer. These errors were used      to get the prosecution to reduce the alleged offense to a charge with no jail time.

Resist Arrest
Case Result:

A client was charged with resist arrest after being targeted by police during the protests of Summer 2020. Our firm developed a strategy with activists and members of the media that led to a dismissal of our client’s case and, eventually, all cases connected to the political prosecution of the protesters.

Second in time DUI
Case Result:
Charge reduced with no jail

Woman was charged with her second DUI within 7 years after being involved in a collision in Scottsdale. Through our investigation, we found multiple mistakes made by the arresting officer. These errors were used      to get the prosecution to reduce the alleged offense to a charge with no jail time.

Assault & Disorderly Conduct – Domestic Violence
Case Result:
Dismissal after Diversion

A woman and her boyfriend were arguing over the cleaning of their apartment. The police were called after things escalated and the woman was arrested. The Mesa City Prosecutors originally wanted the woman to do jail time. After working the case and providing background information, we were able to get the prosecutor to allow the woman to complete classes in exchange for a dismissal.

Second in time DUI
Case Result:
Charge reduced with no jail

Woman was charged with her second DUI within 7 years after being involved in a collision in Scottsdale. Through our investigation, we found multiple mistakes made by the arresting officer. These errors were used      to get the prosecution to reduce the alleged offense to a charge with no jail time.

Second in time DUI
Case Result:
Charge reduced with no jail

We have experience managing violent cases that fall under the categories of murder and manslaughter. Out of respect for all Nava Law Firm clients that fall under this case type, we are not providing any information on our website. If you or a loved one have been charged with one of these serious charges, do not speak to police officers and please contact our firm immediately to get a free consultation.

Second in time DUI
Case Result:
Charge reduced with no jail

Woman was charged with her second DUI within 7 years after being involved in a collision in Scottsdale. Through our investigation, we found multiple mistakes made by the arresting officer. These errors were used      to get the prosecution to reduce the alleged offense to a charge with no jail time.